Under Eye Treatments

Illuma Luna

LUNA is a PN (Polynucleotide) skin booster which is used to treat under and around the eye area. ILLUMA LUNA has 5 times more PN (10mg of polynucleotide) than any other product its in category on the market, it also consists of 5mg of Hyaluronic acid. LUNA also consists of pharmaceutical-grade raw materials, it works more safely on the sensitive skin around the eyes. Benefits -Improving wrinkles under the eyes -Brightening effect by improving dark circles -Improving skin moisture and pigmentation Number of treatments required for optimal results: 2-3 treatments at 2 week intervals then 1 top-up every 6 months. Some people will need 4 treatments depending on skin quality

From £100

Derma 2.0 Eye (for bags)

DermaEyes 2.0 is a specialised eye contour treatment designed to address and prevent the signs of ageing, including wrinkles, fine lines, under-eye bags. At least 2 treatments are required.

From £100


Cushat Gardens, Mayfield, EH225RQ



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